Keeping track of your goals, daily to-do lists and your habits will go a long way toward ensuring that you accomplish all you set out to achieve in the new year. However, if we have learned anything this past year, it is that our plans can change a lot more drastically than we fully realized.
If you would like to start off 2021 on the right foot, but don’t want to waste your funds on a micromanaging day planner that won’t fit your life, a bullet journal may be the ideal option. Follow these bullet journaling tips to tackle the new year effortlessly.
Start With the Basics
Ryder Carroll, the original creator of the bullet journal, has basic tips and tricks to get you started. You can watch his quick tutorial or dive in deeper by purchasing his book all about the bullet journal methods. Alternatively, you can find dozens of variations and tutorials across the net. Whatever route you take, don’t get caught up trying to make your bullet journal a work of art before you master the basics of the method. After all, what good is a tracker that can’t actually track anything?
Allow Your Creative Juices to Flow
A bullet journal is an effective way to plan and track your daily, monthly and yearly tasks, but it acts as so much more than a calendar. The bullet journal’s flexible format truly shines because it can effectively and creatively track all aspects of your daily life. Dedicate pages for tracking your mood and daily habits—or use the space to add photos, poems or doodles. The more you make it your own, the more likely you are to find success at upkeep.
Treat Yourself to Something Fun
Part of the fun of choosing a physical planner instead of a digital calendar is finding all of your favorite supplies to meet your ideal organizational goals. Spring for your favorite brand of pens, purchase a collection of colorful markers to track various tasks, and consider some indulgent items like washi tape or stickers for more creative tracking methods. Remember, a bullet journal acts as a calendar and journal in one, so don’t be afraid to get creative.